Graphometry is the science of analysing behavioural biometrics through writing (graph) and measurement (metry). It combines mathematics and physical behaviour in all graphic expressions. To master Graphometry, one must learn and excel in four individual subjects: Calligraphy, Forensic Document Examination (FDE), Dyslexia, and Graphology. Mathematics and physics then bind these subjects into an objective science called Graphometry.
- Calligraphy: Teaches the rules of writing.
- Dyslexia: Identifies issues within the writing.
- Graphology: Explores the psychology behind the writing, including conscious and subconscious elements.
- Forensic Document Examination: Determines the uniqueness or similarities in writing.
Graphometry is a fascinating research subject on its own. However, it truly shines when applied to other academic fields such as education, law, psychology, criminology, ophthalmopathy, neurology, physiology, medicine (including medication side effects and comorbid conditions), and security.
The Tree of Graphometry illustrates all the subjects involved in graphic expression, tracing back to the beginning of time when humans first used graphic expression to communicate.