Graphometry: The science of Graphometry is based upon behavioural biometrics (graph means to ‘write’ and metry means to ‘measure’) that involves mathematics and physical behavioural that occurs in all graphic expressions.’ Graphometry requires the learning and mastering of 4 individual subjects and these are Calligraphy, Forensic Document Examination (FDE), Dyslexia, and Graphology. Once the 4 individual subjects have been mastered, mathematics and physics are applied to create an objective science called ‘Graphometry’. If you like, the combined subjects of mathematics and physics is the glue that binds all 4 subjects into one science.
Calligraphy tells you the rules of writing. Dyslexia tells you what is wrong with the writing. Graphology tells you the psychology employed within the writing (including the conscious and subconscious) and Forensic Document Examination tells you the uniqueness or similarities of the writing.
Graphometry is a fascinating research subject in its own right. However, Graphometry comes into its own when applied to other academic subjects such as education, law, psychology, criminology, ophthalmopathy, neurology, physiology, medicine (including medication side effects, comorbid conditions) and security.
The Tree of Graphometry below demonstrates all the subjects involved in graphic expression from the beginning of time when man learnt graphic expression to communicate with his fellow man.