The purpose of Med-HAST is to provide ‘at a glance’ datapoints that indicate if a person’s health has improved, deteriorated or stayed the same. Any health professional will understand the data points and the medical conditions, illnesses or comorbidity the data points relate too. ‘This will save the doctor time, money and workload through effective monitoring.’ Med-HAST is a ‘toolkit’ that enables effective monitoring of the patient. The Med-HAST program stores the ‘relevant’ patient information meaning the doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider does not have to leave the Med-HAST program.
Qualitative and Quantitative Date Points
- The person’s name /Unique ID number
- Sex
- Their age
- Their Nationality
- Their Post Code
- Occupation
- Their Height
- Their weight
- Food they eat
Real time Dynamic Data Points Calculated from Handwriting
- Blood Pressures (MAP, SBP & DBP). (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Pulse Pressure (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Pulse Pressure Wave (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Body Mass Index (Obesity, Diabetic, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Heartbeat /Rate (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Blood Volume (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Blood Flow Rate (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Energy (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Calories Per Hour (General Health, Hypertension and Hypotension)
- Work Rate (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer, Depression, Intelligence)
- Brain Processing Time (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer, Depression, Intelligence)
- Hertz Cycle (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer, Depression, Intelligence)
- Eye Tracking (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer, Depression, Epilepsy, Intelligence)
- Eye Tracking Difference (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cancer, Depression, Intelligence)
- Energy Hitting the Eye (Eyesight)
- Colour (light wavelength)
- Duration