Cerebrum Coin

Cerebrum Coin Summary

Alzheimer’s is a very cruel slow degenerative disease that can take 3 to 11 years from diagnosis until death.  The rate of deterioration varies from person to person, from country to country particularly those in the northern hemisphere.  Clearly, there is a need to research the rate of deterioration in Alzheimer’s patients worldwide. To achieve this, we need to build (store) the world’s largest database of Alzheimer’s handwriting. We will use the Cerebrum Coin to incentivise collaborators by donating Cerebrum Coin to researchers, universities, hospitals, organizations, or charities.  This will allow the collaborators to trade their own Cerebrum Coin and generate their own revenue stream independent of B2BXB research and funding.  B2BXB will benefit from this marketing strategy of the Cerebrum Coin by raising the awareness of the Cerebrum Coin.  B2BXB expect there to be a lot of interest in pre-sales and in the initial coin offering (ICO).

The database will also retain the world’s largest qualitative and quantitative database to compare against the ‘dynamic handwriting’.  This database will be world leading and give the ability to monitor illnesses and their impact upon the human population.  

Download our white paper to learn more about Cerebrum Coin.